The Perfect Hipster Christmas Gift

Hang on tight ladies and gentleman, the day after Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the shopping frenzy. Christmas shopping is the hardest part about the holidays and I’m not talking about searching for a parking spot at the mall.

Thinking up the perfect Christmas gift is tough especially when someone on your list has joined the hipster anti-trend. Sure buying for your kid brother who loves basketball is a breeze, but when it comes to your 23-year-old coworker who wears tight jeans and refuses to like anything mainstream it’s not so simple. Before you panic because the office annual gift exchange is around the corner here are some ideas for that flannel loving philosopher on your list.

The perfect hipster gift is something…

  • old, refurbished, or straight from the garbage can
  • that mocks anything mainstream or popular culture
  • indie or rock music related
  • minimalist inspired
  • straight tacky

If that doesn’t help I’ll just spell it out for you. Go for a vintage typewriter that connects to a tablet from a USB, it mixes modernism with the good old days. Find it on Etsy and forever be the best gift giver of the entire office.

Feature image by Pexels via

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